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What is an H1, H2, and H3 Tag? How Can I Use Them in My Website?
What is an H1, H2, and H3 Tag? How Can I Use Them in My Website?
Jason Bullington avatar
Written by Jason Bullington
Updated over a week ago

The elements H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 are used to create several levels of headers, with H1 as the most important header and H6 as the least important.

H1 defines the page title. A page should only have one title. If you need more than one H1 tag on your page, it's time to create a new page. Search engine algorithms assume text contained in an H1 tag is the page title and describes the page content. When you use several H1 tags, you're diluting the value of the keywords in those tags.

To add a Heading tag to your page, do the following when editing a page:

  1. Select a page to edit.

  2. When viewing the page in the Classic Editor (you may need to switch to the classic editor view), select the text you want to apply the header tag to.

  3. You will see a drop down box below the font drop down, as shown in the sample below. Note: If the drop down is not available and you cannot access the Classic Editor, you will need to manually insert the tag into the HTML. Also move ahead to step 6. Example: <H1>My Title</H1>

  4. Select the tag you want to apply to the selected text.

  5. It will apply the header to the entire section.

  6. In most cases you will see your text get very large.

  7. If you want your header to appear smaller, you may ask us modify your style sheet for you and apply a style for your header tags or use the code in step 8 and paste it into the HTML view of your page. The best way however is to have us add it to the style sheet.

  8. H1 {
     font-family : Tahoma;
     font-size : 10pt;
     font-weight: 600;

  9. That's all you need to add heading text to your pages. See below for more tips using Headings in your content.

Should you use several H1 tags?
 If one H1 tag helps your search engine rank, then 10 H1 tags should give you ten times the boost, right? Wrong. Header tags are a great way to define your document's structure and emphasize keyword phrases, but don't get carried away. You could be diluting the importance of your header text instead of stressing it.

How should I use the H tags?
 Think of it as an outline with each page starting at H1. The number after the "H" is the level of indentation so to speak.

For Example:

Polar Bears

...would translate to this HTML:

<h1>Polar Bears</h1>
 <p>some text</p>
 <p>text about regions</p>

...<h3>North Pole</h3>
 ...<p>text about north pole</p>

...<h3>South pole</h3>
 ...<p>text about south pole</p>

<h2>Mating Habits</h2>
 <p>text about mating habits</p>

 <p>text about hibernation</p>

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