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Can information or a report be delivered by e-mail to a requester automatically after completing a form?
Can information or a report be delivered by e-mail to a requester automatically after completing a form?
Jason Bullington avatar
Written by Jason Bullington
Updated over a week ago

Using our reports feature, users can request reports using your website and obtain reports instantly, while providing you a lead at the same time.

To use the reports feature, you will need to make sure you have the Reports pages active in your navigation menu.

For LinkURealty websites, there is a page for Seller Reports, Buyer Reports, Mortgage Reports, Credit Reports (informational guide, not actual credit report), Renting Reports and Investor Reports. Each of these pages can be activated on your navigation menu.

You can add your own report, in many available formats, such as e-mail, a custom page, a file, such as PDF or Word document or even Regular Postal mail.

To add a report, do the following:

  1. Login to your website admin.

  2. Click on the Real Estate Reports icon.

  3. Click Add New Report.

  4. Enter a report title, shortname, description and select a category.

  5. Select a delivery method:
    ​ E-mail - Report is sent in an e-mail. You can use plain text or our easy content editor and HTML to create your report.
    ​ Website - User is sent an e-mail with a link to a page on your website which contains the report/article. You can use our easy content editor and HTML to create your report. With this method, you can track when and if a report has been read by the requesting user.
    ​ File Download (Word Doc/PDF) - User is sent an e-mail with a link to a page where they can download your report. With this method, you can track when and if a report has been read by the requesting user.
    ​ Regular Postal Mail - You would mail the report to the user. Additional fields for address, city, state and zip will become available on the request page for this report.

  6. Click Next Step.

  7. Depending on the report type, you may be asked to type your report (or paste it) into the editor box, or upload a file, e.t.c.

  8. When finished, your websites reports page will display the report you added on the specified category.

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