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Adding New Members
Jason Bullington avatar
Written by Jason Bullington
Updated over 6 years ago

Once you have created your members area, you can now add members. Adding members is easy. You will use your existing contact database to create members. You can make an existing contact a member, or add a new contact, then make them a member.

  1. Login to your control panel.

  2. Click on Manage Members Area.

  3. Click on Add/View Members.

To add a brand new contact/member, then do the following:

  1. Continue from above.

  2. Click on Add Contact.

  3. Enter the information as required.

  4. Enter the members information, such as login name and password.

  5. Select the members area the user will be a member of.

  6. Click Save Changes.

To make an existing contact a member:

  1. Click on the contact.

  2. Click Edit Membership.

  3. Enter the members information, such as login name and password.

  4. Select the members area the user will be a member of.

  5. Click Save Changes.

The user can now login to your members area. Make sure to activate the members area on your navigation menu, so users can easily login.

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