Possible Issues:
1. The File
How to test:
Send another PDF you know to be working to the same email address. If you can access this file through the same means, the original problem file is corrupted.
Ask the sender to resend the original file. If this still doesn't work, they may need to re-save/re-scan it and send you the new copy.
2. Webmail
How to test:
1. Launch webmail on another PC. If it has the same issues on another computer, the problem is with webmail.
2. Forward email with PDF to another email application like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. If you can access the file fine, it's a problem with webmail.
1. Use Outlook/Thunderbird instead of webmail.
2. Open and Print PDFs through 3rd party e-mail service until the issue is resolved.
3. Browser
How to test:
If you are not having these issues on another browser on the same computer, the problem is with your browser.
1. Update your browser.
2. Use another browser until the provider resolves the issue.
4. Adobe Plugin
How to test:
If you are having these issues on another browser on the same computer, but not on another computer, it's Adobe's PDF plugin.
1. Update Adobe Plugin.
2. Use another computer for email PDF attachments.
3. Save attachments through the link instead of through the PDF preview window, and do any printing through another Non-Adobe PDF viewer.

Written by Jason Bullington
Updated over 5 years ago