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All CollectionsMarketing Tool >> Follow Up CampaignsLinkUCampaigner (Version 1)
Campaign Manager sending abilities have been suspended.
Campaign Manager sending abilities have been suspended.
Jason Bullington avatar
Written by Jason Bullington
Updated over 3 years ago

If you receive this error while logged into your campaign manager, then it is likely a campaign you have sent received multiple spam complaints or a high number of bounced e-mails.

  • It appears a list you imported is was purchased, not created organically through your own efforts and networking.

  • Your most recent campaign received spam complaints

  • Your most recent campaign looked "spammy" and we're trying to prevent spam complaints

  • You appear to be "cold e-mailing" or sending to prospects who never gave you permission.

  • Your most recent campaign violates our Terms of Use in some way.

  • Your most recent campaign contains unacceptable content or something offensive.

  • Something else looks too risky for our comfort and we've gotta check it out.

If you're account was suspended, please submit a support request for review of your account, at We will review your e-mail campaign and determine if it meets the terms of service of the LinkU campaigner service and if so re-activate your campaigner account. Otherwise, if not, we cannot re-enable the account until the problem campaigns and lists are removed from our system. We may also place a sending limit on your account until further notice.
To avoid being suspended for bounced e-mail, it is recommended to have your list cleaned BEFORE you import your contact list to the campaign manager, through an e-mail validation service such as

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