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Zillow & LinkU CRM Integration
Zillow & LinkU CRM Integration

You can now connect your Zillow & LinkU CRM together so that any new leads from Zillow will automatically be added to your LinkU CRM.

John F. Jones III avatar
Written by John F. Jones III
Updated over 5 years ago

Video of Walkthrough Steps Found Below

Prerequisite: Before you can setup this integration you must have an account at Setting up an account is absolutely free and will take you under five minutes to do. We've created an article on setting up a zapier account to help you with this process.

First Steps: 

  1. Log into Zillow in a new browser tab

  2. Log into Zapier in a new browser tab

  3. Log into your LinkU dashboard in a new browser tab.

Zapier Steps: 

  1. Go to this link and accept the invite to use our connector

  2. Click on My Zaps at the top left corner

  3. Use the magnifying glass at the top to search and select Zillow Tech Connect

  4. Scroll down and click on Connect Zillow Tech Connect to 1,500+ Apps.

  5. Click on Save + Continue with the New Contact radio button selected.

Zillow Steps:

  1. Go to your open Zillow tab

  2. Click on your profile photo at the top right and then Settings

  3. On the left click on Connect to My CRM and then Continue to Connect to My CRM

  4. Click on the blue Add Partner button

  5. From the dropdown menu select Zapier

  6. Copy and paste the e-mail address you used to create your Zapier account and hit save.

Zillow Tech Connect Steps: 

  1. Go back to your open Zapier tab

  2. Click on, Ok, I did this

  3. Click on Continue on the "Pick a Sample..." page

LinkU Connector Steps

  1. Search for and select, LinkU Connector from the search box.

  2. Click on Save + Continue from the "Select LinkU Connector Action" page

  3. Click on the Connect an Account button

  4. Enter in your username and password that you use to log into your LinkU dashboard on the window that pops up.

  5. Click Test to ensure the connection works

  6. Click Save + Continue

LinkU Connector Mapping Steps

Here you will go through each dropdown menu and match what you want copied over into our system.  For example, the First Name dropdown menu should be paired with ContactInfo Contact First Name.

You'll map as many of these as possible or that you want to map.

Pro Tip One: The Lead Category field is required and will pull from your existing custom categories.  You'll want to go into your LinkU dashboard in a new window and navigate to Contacts > Configuration & Settings then Lead Settings. From here you can create custom categories such as, "Zillow Lead" which is what I suggest doing.

Pro Tip Two: In the Zap Name field give it the name, "Zillow".  You'll be able to trigger our system to add a contact into an existing Follow Up Campaign if you do this.

Final Steps

  1. After mapping click on Continue at the bottom

  2. Scroll down and click on Sent Test to LinkU Connector

  3. Go to your LinkU Dashboard that you opened in a new browser tab.

  4. Click on Contacts and then Manage Leads/Contacts

  5. Verify that the Zillow test worked

  6. Go back to your Zapier browser tab and click on Finish

  7. Give it the name, "Zillow to LinkU CRM"

  8. Turn Zap on


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